Sunday, December 25, 2011

Alternatives To Television

It is quite easy to spend several hours a day glued to the screen of a television set. It is estimated that on average an individual watches approximately two full months worth of television over the course of a year. Some suggest that this fascination with television has contributed immensely to the obesity problem in North America. Finding an alternative to watching hours of television a day may pose a difficult task for some people who simply cannot miss a particular show that they watch on a regular basis. However, despite the temptation television creates, there are far more enjoyable activities one can participate in during those few hours regularly spent in front on the small screen.

Since television is a major contributor to weight problems, exercising seems like a logical thing to do as opposed to viewing hours of sitcoms. Not only is exercising an enjoyable way to kill a few hours it is also a great way to burn a few calories. Simply getting outside and going for a brisk walk not only helps one avoid the enticement that is television but also has a profusion of health benefits. Along with assisting one with weight loss, exercising can also increase the ability of the heart and lungs to function more efficiently and moreover help an individual feel better both inside and out.

Picking up a hobby is another excellent substitute for television. An individual can perhaps learn and develop a new skill, such as knitting or darts for example, or perhaps start a collection of something, which may even become a lifelong leisure pursuit for them. Reading is yet another fantastic option to aid with the evasion of television. Reading not only allows one to be imaginative but it also permits the expansion of the mind and promotes mental health.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Awful Truth About Television: Fake News and other reasons not to watch TV news

DO touch that dial to avoid fake news

Government agencies, corporations, industry groups, and other large organizations contaminate the airwaves with fake news. These organizations produce pre-packaged news segments called VNRs, or Video News Releases. These segments look like real news. In fact, VNRs are little more that propaganda pieces for their producers. Stations have routinely used these fake news segments since at least the 1980s, usually without disclosing their source.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the government and other social actors creating interesting audio or video pieces to communicate with the public. The problem is that these propaganda pieces do not properly identify the source. They are made to look and feel like independent news casts with government/corporate actors pretending to be reporters.

Government attempts to regulate fake news

There have been a few efforts to control this phenomenon. The Government Accountability Office ruled in February 2005 that government-sponsored TV "news" reports are covert propaganda, unless their source is apparent to viewers. The Senate introduced the Truth in Broadcasting Act (S. 967) in 2005 into committee. This act would require all pre-packaged, government-produced audio and video news releases to include a clear disclaimer that the government was the original source. This act would not apply to VNRs produced by corporations, industry groups, or charitable foundations. As of this writing, the full Senate has yet to vote on the bill and the no one has introduced a companion bill in the House of Representatives.

Media is controlled by only FIVE corporations

Looking at the amount of programming available, you might think that there is a wide variety of choice. There are literally hundreds of TV stations with options to choose from sports, news, cartoons, history, painting, and more. On the surface, the amount of options appears staggering. However, only five major corporations control the majority of the media. These five huge corporations—Disney, Time Warner, Bertelsmann of Germany, Murdoch's News Corporation, and Viacom (formerly CBS)—own not only most of the television stations, but now own most of the newspapers, magazines, books, and radio stations in the United States as well.

Television puts your logical brain to sleep

There is a reason people's eyes glaze over and they assume a zombie-like stare, when they are watching TV. Their brains are in a hynotic, alpha brainwave state.

In the Mulholland experiment, 10 children watched their favorite television program, while the researchers monitored their brainwave patterns. The researchers expected that the children would show a preponderance of beta waves. This would indicate that they were involved and responding to their favorite programs. Instead, they stayed in alpha. “They just sat back. They stayed almost the whole time in alpha. That meant that while they were watching they were not reacting, not orienting, not focusing, just spaced out,” said Dr. Eric Peper.

Similarly, in the early 1980’s, researchers in Australia found that the left-brain "sort of went to sleep" once TV was switched on, but the right brain was busy "storing information in its memory bank."

What these studies show is that the right side of the brain may be dutifully absorbing all the images from your television screen, but the left side is lulled into a stupor by the television’s flicker. This makes analysis of the images difficult. It also makes it difficult to remember exactly what you have been watching. Furthermore, the research suggests that the left side of the brain may remain in a stupor even after you turn the TV off.

What is a concerned citizen to do? How to dig for real news

1) The first step is to start reading, instead of watching, your news. Television generally takes a lot of time to get across a little bit of information. With reading you can absorb information much faster. A five minute story on the news can be read online or in the newspaper generally in less than a minute. The spare time can be used to analyze the story.

2) The next step in developing a good picture of the world is to get several good news sources. Begin with a mainstream newspaper or website to simply get an idea of the basic issues that are at stake.

Then, select a couple of alternative news sources outside the mainstream. I am not going to recommend a particular source, because I do not wish to become engaged in liberal/conservative partisan discussions. These distinctions start to fall away once you start to analyze the news for yourself anyway.

3) The next step is simply to start critically viewing the material that you read. Does it make logical sense? Are there inconsistencies? Does the story change from one day to the next? Are there any patterns to events? This step is essential. Put that left brain into hyper-drive. Question the news you read, whatever the source.

4) Finally, if there are inconsistencies or notable patterns, it is time to start researching. Whenever possible it is best to go to the source of an issue. For example, if the government passes a new law about security, don’t waste time watching or reading the petty analyses of pundits. Find a copy of the law! Do not rely on someone else to give an interpretation. The internet makes it much easier to find source documents.

In short, the good news is that you do not need TV news to become informed about the world.

About 'The Awful Truth About Television' Series:
What happens when the average American spends 4 hours 32 minutes every day watching television? Trash Your TV's 'The Awful Truth About Television' Series explores the multifaceted problems with TV in eleven hard-hitting articles. Read the full series and you will never look at your television set the same way again.

Mander, Jerry. Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television. Morrrow Quill Paperbacks: New York. p. 210

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Has Television Made Us Fat?

What is the most popular activity on the face of the Earth, no holds barred? Why, it's TV of course!

No other activity even comes close to the popularity of TV. We watch it, talk about it, pattern our behavior after it, laugh and cry because of it, and have it in nearly every household in America.

Ponder a few of the following facts about TV:

The average TV viewer will see an estimated 20,000 commercials every year. That's about 55 commercials each day. All the while we watch TV our perceptions about self-image, a healthy lifestyle and human behavior are being slowly and systematically changed, and in some cases, distorted.

American youth watch an average of 1,023 hours of TV yearly, while they only spend about 900 hours in school.

In year 2000, a National Assessment of Educational Progress report found that students who watch TV the most also suffer the most academically.

According to a year 2000 National Institute on the Media and the Family report, a child can develop brand loyalty by age 2. This seems incredibly disturbing.

A 1999 Senate Judiciary Committee Staff Report found that by age 18, the average American has seen 200,000 acts of violence on TV, including 16,000 murders.

Much of television advertising targets children because promoters know they are less discerning and more easily influenced than adults. And not surprising, children often insist that their parents purchase what they see advertised on TV.

The food industry spends billions of dollars on TV advertising because they know it produces results. When we see and hear the advertisements often enough, we eventually buy the products.

Even dinnertime, the traditional family catchup period, has been transformed by TV, with many families opting to dine on fast food and take-out, rather than home cooked meals.

I am not saying everything about television is detrimental, but it seems to do more harm than good.

Life beyond the filtered screen seems much more educational, interesting and entertaining.

The good news is, that any environmental or behavioral influence (including TV) on a persons habits can be changed, but it takes determination and work.

Just for fun, see if any of the following apply to YOU!

We fall asleep doing it.
We do it first thing in the mourning.
We are challenged by it.
We are isolated by it.
We eat while doing it.
We eat because of it.
We ignore other people while we are doing it.
We laugh at it.
We cry at it.
We get angry at it.
We are bored by it.
We are entertained by it.
We pay to do it.
We must have the latest technical equipment to do it.
We use it to relax.
We use it as a babysitter.
We consciously pattern our behavior after it.
We are subconsciously influenced by it.
We do it whenever, wherever, and however we want.
We bring sex and violence into our homes while we do it.
We use it to keep us company when we are alone.
We are misled by it.
We are lead by it.
We envy other people we see while doing it.
We argue about it.
We do other things while we listen to it in the background.
We do it to educate ourselves.
We do it to introduce ourselves to far away places.
We do it to stay informed.
We brag about doing it.
We complain about doing it.
We gossip about it.
We talk about it everywhere.
We become addicted to it.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Deal Or No Deal - Great Television!

Game show lovers gather around the television once a week for NBC's runaway hit show Deal or No Deal. This extremely popular and exciting hour long show is hosted by none other than Howie Mandel, the loveable stand up comedian who offers average citizens the chance to strike it rich.

Mandel's likeable nature and comical banter combined with the enthusiasm shown by contestants would make for good TV in itself. The real hook of the show though is the way the tension builds as deals are cut with the mysterious banker up in the shadows.

The game of Deal or No Deal does require some strategy, but ultimately it comes down to luck. The game involves trying to choose the case which contains 1 million dollars out of 26 cases which hold various dollar amounts. The cases are held and opened by 26 of the loveliest ladies on television. After selecting the case and placing it on the contestant’s table, then comes the process of eliminating the remaining cases and negotiating with the banker in hopes of walking away with the biggest pot possible.

When it is time to talk to the banker, Mandel picks up the phone and calls a shadowy figure in a glass booth. The banker will offer the contestant a dollar amount he can walk away with if he stops game play at the end of the call. The dollar amount offered depends on how many high dollar cases have been flushed out before the call. These calls create tension among the audience as everyone waits to see what choice the contestant makes. Some choices are good ones and earn money for the contestant and everyone is happy. Other times, the contestant will make the wrong choice and will walk away with a pot much smaller than he could have

Deal or No Deal takes the audience and TV viewers through the gauntlet of emotions: anticipation, indecision, the thrill of the win, and the disappointment of defeat.

NBC has created magic with their wildly popular game show Deal or No Deal. Interestingly, Deal or No Deal is a popular television game show in many other countries as well, each with their own version of the game. The game is suspenseful and the formula the show follows allows for the audience to bond right away with the contestant. The audience becomes drawn in and cheers and experiences anxious moments right along with the player. While winning the top prize does not happen very often, contestants can still walk away with a nice lump sum of cash and that is the ultimate goal of Deal or No Deal, and that is why millions of viewers turn in each week.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Basics of Plasma Televisions

Are you thinking about investing in a plasma television for your home? Plasma televisions can provide an excellent television viewing experience, and are becoming increasingly popular among those when want to enjoy a high quality home theater experience.

As with most technology purchases, there are advantages and drawbacks associated with investing in this type of television. Before investing in your next television set, it's important to understand the basics of plasma televisions.

Image Quality

One of the primary reasons that plasma televisions are so popular is their high quality image displays. These types of televisions offer very high resolution images with sharp details and true to life color.

Convenient Display

Plasma television sets can easily blend into the design of just about any room. These television sets are tiny when compared with analog units, and can allow you to better utilize the square footage of your home. Instead of taking up a significant amount of floor space, plasma televisions can be hung directly on the wall or placed on a compact stand.


Plasma televisions are not the most durable or long lasting television sets available. These types of television sets are difficult, if not impossible to repair. They generally last about seven years with normal usage. However, they are fragile and subject to irreparable damage when being moved from one location to another.


Plasma televisions are priced at the mid range of television technology. They are less expensive than LCD television sets, but cost significantly more than analog sets.

Is a Plasma Television Right for You?

If you want to enjoy an affordable, high quality television viewing experience, a plasma television set can be a good choice for you. However, if you're looking for a set that will last for a decade or more, and can stand up to the rigors of frequently moves, you may want to choose a different types of television set.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Camera Operators Filming Television Programs Motion Pictures May Travel To Film

FT2 is committed to assisting the film and television industry achieve a diverse workforce,which more closely represents the makeup of society as a whole. We are an organisation dedicated to training those with talent, enthusiasm and committment, to develop a career within the British film and television industry. Includes articles of film and television music critique, opinion, and research, and a selected soundtrack of the week. ATA hosts a series of film and video screenings, exhibitions and performances by emerging and established artists and a weekly cable access television program. The CFTPA is a non-profit trade association representing almost 400 Canadian production companies involved in television, film and interactive media. Film and video editors edit soundtracks, film, and video for the motion picture, cable, and broadcast television industries. Camera operators filming television programs or motion pictures may travel to film on location.

Includes newspapers, magazines, television listings and radio stations. American Women in Radio and Television is the national, non-profit organization that extends membership to qualified professionals in the electronic media and allied fields. Announcers often are well known to radio and television audiences and may make promotional appearances and do remote broadcasts for their stations. Median hourly earnings of radio and television announcers were $10.49 in the radio and television broadcasting industry. Earnings are higher in television than in radio and higher in commercial broadcasting than in public broadcasting. Median annual earnings were $48,900 in the motion picture and video industries and $29,560 in radio and television broadcasting. The range of waves suitable for radio and television transmission is divided into channels, which are assigned to broadcast companies or services.

Only 9% of parents say the government should increase control and enforcement of network television programming. This database is the guide to the Vanderbilt University collection of network television news progams. TV features Channel changes Complete survey of network pilot orders for the 2006-07 television season, analysis and dialogues with the network entertainment chiefs. With experience, operators may advance to more demanding assignments or to positions with larger or network television stations. Many schools, universities, hospitals, and businesses operate closed-circuit television systems that send programming to their unique network of television sets.

Last night I saw a nightly news program on television that held me riveted to my seat. Through the device called a television set or TV, you are able to receive news, sports, entertainment, information and commercials. only) Also has television news, gossip, and features. Station officials pay particular attention to taped auditions that show an applicant's delivery and in television appearance and style in commercials, news reports, and interviews.

The iconoscope was an electronic image scanner - essentially a primitive television camera. Most of the salaried camera operators were employed by television broadcasting stations or motion picture studios. ENG and studio camera operators who work for television affiliates usually start in small markets to gain experience. Other camera operators and editors may become directors of photography for movie studios, advertising agencies, or television programs.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Awful Truth About Television: "Heavy" TV watchers are twice as likely to be obese

Studies show: TV makes you fat

This large amount of time spent motionlessly staring at a screen is also hazardous to your health and girth. Numerous studies show a relationship between TV watching and obesity. The most striking were several studies published in The American Journal of Public Health. These studies found that people who watched three or more hours of television per day were almost twice as likely to be obese than people who watched less than one hour per day. Men, women, and children all had similar results. The waistlines of men, women, and children are all victims of their TV-watching habit.

40 studies found children's TV watching was related to weight

Reviewing 40 recent studies involving TV and childhood obesity, a Kaiser Permanente study found a definite link between the amount of time children watch TV and their weight. The review also found that interventions that reduce children’s media time resulted in weight loss.

It is common sense that TV will likely make you heavier

This issue, however, does not need the benefit of numerous studies. It is common sense to expect that people who watch a lot of TV are more likely to be heavier. Almost any other activity burns more calories than watching TV. Only sleep burns fewer calories. Talking on the phone, reading a book, doing the dishes—all burn more calories than watching television. With the national average of four and a half hours per day, the extra calories burned just by turning off the TV can add up quickly.

Commercials sabotage diets

Then, there are those nefarious junk food commercials. The mouthwatering hamburgers, candy bars, or luscious desserts practically beg you to consume them from the screen. There are approximately 32 commercials on every hour-long TV show. A significant portion of these commercials is for fast food and junk food. What healthy diet could stand the onslaught of these sinister, mouthwatering, commercials?

Where did that bag of chips go?

Finally, many people snack in front of the TV, usually with junk food such as potato chips, soda pop, or candy. In the zombie state that people usually fall into while watching TV, it is very easy to consume large amounts of food, simultaneously absorbing both the images and the food. “Where did that bag of potato chips go?” bewildered viewers ask.

Push a button and lose weight

The conclusion to this is obvious. Turn off your TV if you are trying to lose weight. It is the first step to a healthier, happier lifestyle. Turn off your TV and go outside. Turn off your TV and follow that exercise routine you started last New Year's.* Turn off your TV and do something fun with your friends or family. Turn off your TV and enjoy the rest of your life.

About 'The Awful Truth About Television' Series:
What happens when the average American spends 4 hours 32 minutes every day watching television? Trash Your TV's 'The Awful Truth About Television' Series explores the multifaceted problems with TV in eleven hard-hitting articles. Read the full series and you will never look at your television set the same way again.

*Check with your doctor before beginning any strenuous exercise program. Individual weight loss results will obviously depend on diet, exercise, and other factors.

Thomas N. Robinson, MD, MPH “Reducing Children's Television Viewing to Prevent Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Trial” JAMA, Oct 1999; 282: 1561 - 1567.
LA Tucker and M Bagwell. “Television viewing and obesity in adult females.” Am J Public Health, Jul 1991; 81: 908 - 911.
LA Tucker and GM Friedman. “Television viewing and obesity in adult males.” Am J Public Health, Vol 79, Issue 4 516-518.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Classic Television DVDs Bring Rodney Dangerfield Back to the Small Screen

He was recognized by his trademark phrase - “I don’t get no respect.”

Born on November 22, 1921 in Babylon, New York, Rodney Dangerfield began writing jokes at age 15 and performing his comedy by his late teens. For ten years, he struggled as a stand up comedian and worked as a singing waiter to make ends meet. When his comedy career failed to really take off, Dangerfield, who had been working in entertainment as Jack Roy, left show business for a regular job. He spent the 1950’s selling aluminum siding in New Jersey while supporting his first wife and two children.

He took another chance at show business after his divorce in 1961 and became known for the rest of his life as Rodney Dangerfield. By this time, he was approaching his fortieth birthday. His big break came when he appeared as a guest on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” He did what few people were able to do – he made Ed Sullivan laugh. During the 1960’s he made the rounds of many of the most popular variety shows. He performed his standup on “The Joey Bishop Show,” “The Merv Griffin Show” and “The Jackie Gleason Show.” In 1969 he made his first of 35 appearances on “The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.” In addition to his gigs on television, he spent his time making the rounds of comedy clubs throughout the country.

In 1969, the comedian opened his own standup comedy club, Dangerfield’s in New York City. From its inception, it has been one of the most popular comedy clubs in America, receiving rave reviews by top newspapers and entertainment guides. Since Dangerfield’s opened its doors almost 40 years ago it has seen the likes of Jay Leno, Jim Carey, Chris Rock, Andrew Dice Clay, Tim Allen and Jerry Seinfeld grace its stage. Many of the comedy club’s biggest draws find themselves as guests on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno” or “Late Night With David Letterman.”

Having cemented his place in stand up comedy history, Dangerfield turned his attention to acting. He had his first movie role in the 1971 film The Projectionist and had a role on the television show “Benny and Barney: Las Vegas Undercover” later in the decade. The acting roles came slowly but in 1980 he landed a role that made him a household name. He starred as the obnoxious real estate developer Al Czervik in the comedy smash Caddy Shack. Suddenly people who didn’t know much about comedians knew all about Rodney Dangerfield.

He followed Caddy Shack with two other 1980’s comedies, Easy Money and Back To School. In 1991, he made the animated movie Rover Dangerfield, the story of a dog that gets no respect. Throughout his career, his line about getting no respect was his trademark.

Dangerfield branched out into a serious role next. He played the abusive father to Juliette Lewis’ character in the controversial film Natural Born Killers. It has been reported that Dangerfield was allowed to write his own lines for the role. This was to be his only serious film role. He followed it with more comedies like Meet Wally Sparks and The Godson. In 2000, the almost 80-year-old comedian starred alongside Adam Sandler in Little Nicky

His very last acting role was that of God in 2005’s Angels with Angels. It was released posthumously. Dangerfield died on October 5, 2004. He had fallen into a coma after heart surgery and never regained consciousness. His tombstone reflects his comedy. It reads “Rodney Dangerfield – There Goes the Neighborhood.

His comedy career spanned over 60 years. In addition to all of his stage and screen accomplishments during those years, he also won two awards for his achievements. In 1981 he won a Grammy Award for his comedy recording titled No Respect. In 1995 the American Comedy Awards honored him with a Creative Achievement Award.

One of his lesser-known achievements was that he was the first entertainment personality to have his own website. In 1995 he created, which is still in existence today

During Rodney Dangerfield’s career he had success on the comedy stage, in film, and on the television. He gave countless other comedians the chance to show their stuff on the stage at his own comedy club. His trademark line, “I don’t get no respect” will forever be associated with the comedian who in spite of his onstage persona was loved and respected by millions of fans.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Watch Satellite Television On The Computer

Modern technology is just getting better and better and everything is becoming more and more convenient. When different tasks are combined into one place it is so much easier to do what you want and to do it whenever you want to instead of waiting and timing what you want to do around things that you can't control.

The internet has become such a vital aspect of our lives that it is hard to imagine doing anything without it. The speed of being online and the way we can network with millions of people get news, weather reports, do research, and stay in touch with all our acquaintances is truly amazing.

Research has been taking place over the past few years to make the internet even more useful for us so that we can combine our tasks even more and more. Now, after seven years of research including three years of intense testing and tweaking you can watch television on your personal computer or even right on your portable laptop. This makes everything really easy because the laptop can go anywhere you want it to and you have essentially portable shows for wherever.

The other great thing that everybody loves is that this is actually pretty cheap right now especially when compared to other cable services that are out there for you regular television set. Right now not a lot of people know about this amazing development in television viewing so you can be one of the lucky ones to get in on it first and for the lowest price. Once you get this you will never go back to your old habits of watching television because you will be blown away by how amazing this is. It is really there to just make your life easier and more enjoyable. You can get exclusive channels that you can never get anywhere else even if you pay extra money to other cable companies. You can get channels is a variety of languages and from all different countries so that you can actually have a really cultural experience just by sitting down to watch a little bit of TV for a few minutes like everyone does to relax and take a break from their stressful day. You can get sports channels, family channels, shopping channels, local channels, and all the major TV stations that you need on a daily basis. There are over three thousand channels that you can choose from to watch every time you want to be entertained.

You can turn your computer into a super TV with three thousand channels for a small fee. So why pay up to or maybe even over ninety dollars a month for regular cable when you can have so much more and make everything so much easier for yourself at the same time. Sometimes people make everything a little bit cheaper by combining internet, cable, and phone service, but with this cheap price right now it is not necessary to do this and you can have such a great TV viewing experience every single day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Enjoy free TV show on the internet

Television is a very important place in entertainment world and it has been entertaining us from past many decades. But now that television has dumbed us down, will Internet TV weird us out?

Internet has a very important place in today’s era. With the help of free TV show on the internet we are able to view our favorite television shows on internet fro free. Numbers of online sites have aims to be the online version of public television with a nonprofit Internet channel anyone can use to distribute video. The Internet gives you the freedom to do what you actually envisioned.

If you have missed out any serial or program with internet TV you can see all, so now you don’t have to worry if you can’t take out time from your busy schedule to watch program according to their telecast timing. Just enjoy your programs and serials according to your time preference.

There is no need of TV tuner card in your pc for watching your television shows on internet as you directly get connected to internet. You will be able to view pictures more clearly and hear clear voice if your internet speed is good.

Enjoy your favorite show with the help of Free TV show on the internet which allows you to enjoy your missed out show with good picture and sound. Today only get your internet connected if you really wish to enjoy your shows at home.